
Anna Aliena The Muse

What Reviewers Say About The Muse

Four months ago, on October 31st, 2015, my latest EP The Muse was released. Today I would like to give you an overview of the reviews I’ve received for the record so far. Here we go:

“Die Lieder dieser EP sind  sehr ausdrucksstark.  Das gilt sowohl textlich als auch für die Art und Weise wie Anna Aliena die Songs stimmlich zum Besten gibt. Ich würde das Ganze als eine angenehme Mischung zwischen Pop und Oper bezeichnen. Gut wird das Ganze durch den Einsatz von Orchesterinstrumenten untermalt. Einfach toll geworden.” (Roman Golub, BadBlack Unicorn)

“Tremendous job – I wouldn’t have thought this music could be something I’d end up appreciating as much as I have today…and I’d personally like to thank Anna for that, because she’s solely responsible. Again…the music on The Muse is never out of line, never offensive, but also never the star; it would be impossible to standout or shine next to a singer like Anna Aliena – she has a charming, charismatic voice you couldn’t possibly take your attention away from.” (SleepingBagStudios)

“Anna Aliena is a talented singer who has found the right balance between her classically trained voice and a beautiful gothic-reverie sound.” (Side-Line Music Magazine)

“‘The Muse’ is een mooie cd, met een mooie spanning tussen de meer zonnige en zwaarmoedige nummers. De orgelklanken klinken meer bombastisch, maar je vraagt je af of het niet nog wat orkestraler had gemogen. Met deze worp neemt Anna Aliena alleszins wat afstand van de soms wat kitscherige synthpop die haar eerder werk kenmerkte, en het resultaat mag er zijn.” (Xavier Kruth, DarkEntries)

“Die Geschichte von Liebe in der Ferne erzählt „Deine Blauen Augen“ beziehungsweise auf kroatisch „Tvoje plave oci“. Diese Ballade rührt zu Tränen, ist so voller Sehnsucht und Leidenschaft. Selten kam Annas Opernstimme besser zur Geltung als in diesem Stück. Sie hat auch kroatisch gelernt und singt ganze Textpassagen in Kroatisch. Nicht zuletzt steigerte dies ihre Beliebtheit in diesem Kulturkreis gerade enorm! Man darf also gespannt sein, auf welche unentdeckten Pfade es die Künstlerin nach der Veröffentlichung noch verschlägt!” (Maximilian Nitzschke-Stockmann, Back Again)

“Mostly though, you will you will marvel at the power and artistry she is capable of in so many styles of music. Clearly this is not everybody’s cup of tea, but if you are able to throw all your genres out the window and completely rethink your musical priorities, Aliena’s distinct ability to transport you to places you’ve never even dreamed about, is in the air, on “The Muse”. It’s a cosmic smattering of all things Anna Aliena!” (

“Where Anna Aliena’s music really stands out is in her blending of otherworldly sounds and tones with the age old familiarity of musical traditions that have proved to stand the test of time. As a result, this is music that should be a real thrill for any fans of current classical crossover, as well as providing some interesting listening for anyone wanting to broaden the genre palette that they might usually go to.” (

“Digitale la struttura, la voce è in purezza quella di un soprano vaudevilliano: la fiaba si tinge di rosso sangue, le lacrime sono cristalli che escono dagli occhi di una ballerina che non ama più il soldatino di piombo, forse disillusa, per questo ancor più bella del passato.” (Nicola Tenani, Sounds Behind The Corner)